Long time no post...eh? Well, I'm about to change that. A week ago, I wasn't feeling too well and decided to go home to see the doctor considering the nurses and PAs at UHS here at UW are pretty incompetent. My doctor was under the impression that I either had strep throat--a more than common illness in my parents' household--or mono. When the strep test came back negative, my heart sank. Getting to the punch line early, I got tested for mono again and the test came back negative, but this begs a more important question:
Can someone get mono twice?
The answer my friends, is yes. Upon talking to my doctor, he said that the mononucleosis virus--like most viruses--has more than one strain. So a person can't be infected twice by the same strain, but can be infected twice by two different strains of the virus. Get it? Well if you understand it, good; but don't come in contact with it because it will eat up your semester.
That's all for now folks.
Your moment of zazen.
You gotta be kidding me...

Full story here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/12/justin-bieber-benjamin-netanyahu_n_847911.html