Firstly, I would like to say thanks for being active readers of this stupid rambling. I don't even know who is still reading anymore except for Voj... And probably not even her. Voj, I'm gonna get you and put you on some spaghetti with some sauce. Yum.

This blog has gone global. I have "readers" in China, South Africa, the UK, India, and elsewhere. So thank you for making that possible. I don't really know if you are reading it or just looking at the stupid pictures that I put up here in the moments of zazen (and many a moments there are). If you have ever read such a moment, put your hands up in the aiiiirrrrr, ay-ay-aiiirrrrr.
Today is something more than a minor day in UW's calendar. Today, my friends, is as some would say the "holiday" of Mifflin. For those of you who are ignorant or otherwise aren't in tune with the "big" days in UW's calendar, today is the Mifflin Street Block Party. Started in 1969 as protests on Mifflin Street (every big day here originates with a protest...typical Madison) against the Vietnam War (or lack of tortillas after ordering fajitas), Mifflin has become a weekend attracting students from all over campus and the country ever since.

What people do when they get to Mifflin Street is beyond me. I think there are concerts and what not. Otherwise, I guess it gives the campus an opportunity to come together and have a big party. Just a word of advice for the newbies, don't pet the police horses because you can be arrested for assault of a police officer. Unfortunately, instead of being on Mifflin Street with the rest of UW, I'm stuck in the library typing up a report summarizing a lecture on debunking common assumptions and proofs of the dead sea scrolls and in the community of Qumran. I had to go to this dead sea scrolls/Qumran lecture for one of my classes. The lecture was actually really interesting, but I'd rather be back in bed considering the music started pumping out of two large speakers at about 7:30 or 8:00 this morning.
No word on if I had mono last year or not. I kind of hope I did, otherwise this blog has been a huge sham. Oops...
Your moment of zazen.