By the time you read this, I'm sure you will know--like the rest of the world--that Osama bin Laden (OBL) was killed and his body is in US custody. It's amazing that nearly ten years after the worst attack on American soil, a true terrorist has finally been captured.
On interesting thing regarding this whole story was that I--as well as many of my friends--first heard of the breaking story through the news medium of Twitter. Pretty cool. I found out a good 45 minutes before my parents. Another interesting thing, a guy named Sohaib Athar from Abbottabad was actually live blogging a top secret military information on his Twitter account (@ReallyVirtual)!/ReallyVirtual. Whoops...
When I first checked his Twitter account last night, he had less than 10,000 followers. Now he has over 83,000. Speaking of Twitter, a lot of my friends hate on me for having a Twitter account, but that's how I initially found out about Osama's (#OBL) death. Not the New York Times, not TV, not the radio. Twitter. Not to emulate Greg Downey's love of social media and technology, but that's pretty awesome.
Your moment of zazen.