A man, a plan, a show, about nothing. Mr. Seinfeld started as a comedian in Jerry Seinfeld has been a personal hero to me for a large portion of my post-childhood life. I can safely say I've seen 90% of all of his shows, and have laughed through each and every one of them.

This post is dedicated to the one and only Mr. Seinfeld because on Friday, JerrySeinfeld.com will go live. His new website is a digital archive of all of his standup that he deemed worthwhile to be timeless in the interconnected world of the internet. Whey asked why he wanted to put all of his work online, Seinfeld answered, "I really thought, 'Where's my stuff going to be when I'm dead? Is it just gone for all time? Who could sift through it? I though, I should filter this out and be the judge of what I thought was good" (New York Times). That means hours about hours upon hours of videos of a Mr. Seinfeld's work on his new website. Some stuff even dates back to 1977. Ancient.

Good luck Mr. Seinfeld. At least it seems that collecting cars and trying to ensure that your collection is timeless at a point in your life where you realized you're own mortality--just like Leo Tolstoy. Your "Confessions" is jerryseinfeld.com. Congrats.
Your moment of zazen.
"Hey, I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, "I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead." Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead." - Dug from the Motion Picture UP.