This momentous holiday is celebrated somewhat like the Fourth of July (however, us Americans don't have our own Corona). From my experiences in Milwaukee ("as the nation's most segregated metropolitan area" according to an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on January 18, 2003), Cinco de Mayo is celebrated with a huge parade in the Latino part of Milwaukee (yet, another shoutout to Alexis).
Being a part of the non-hispanic American youth, there is no reason for me to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. I do not have any Mexican ties, heritage, or loyalty. However, it does give me (and my Jewish friends) an excuse to go to Frida's celebrate Alexis' homeland (final shoutout to Alexis).
In honor of this seemingly Corona endorsed חג (holiday), I would like you to enjoy two commercial's which you probably have already seen. Enjoy!
Feliz Cinco de Mayo.
Su momento de zazen.