"This spring, Axe is throwing down the gauntlet to student bodies across the nation. Axe is further supporting the cause by bringing donation trucks and weigh-in stations to the Undie Runs across the nation. For every pound donated, Axe is making a donation, with all the proceeds going to help the Community Action Coalition http://www.cacscw.org/
Run Route: Library Mall to Peace Park (down State Street), back to Library Mall and then to SEGREDO for the Official After Party!!! (18+ at Segredo!)" (THE UW MADISON AXE UNDIE RUN Facebook Event).
*Note: Peace Park is better known as Crack Park.
As Alyssa, Ali and I went to check out this "disturbance" outside, we realized it was cold, and there were a lot of drunk people in their undies, and it looked like a lot of fun. Must save something for next year. Shoutout to Kippi and Schraber Shrab (like Flava Flaaaav--Alyssa's idea) who are participating (I was told by Alyssa, if she's wrong, yell at her, not me).

Your moment of zazen.
Bunny Chaser