Saturday, May 8, 2010

Religious Recruiting

I was walking back to my building minding my business (as is the case with most times I walk back to my building), when I was offered a big bag of free candy by a group of college students who surrounded me. This free candy was in the form of white chocolate and sprinkle covered pretzels. All of the sudden, I had a dilemma: Should I be kind to this friendly looking group of strangers who were offering me free candy although I have been taught that I should never take candy from strangers because all strangers that were trying to give me free candy would kidnap me and I would never be heard from again, or should I be rude and say, "no thanks" and walk away.

I took the former. These people looked legit. So I took their free candy. Sorry mom... All of the sudden, a girl named Samantha introduced herself to me. We shook hands. Then Luke introduced himself. We also shook hands. Then Samantha said, "So basically we are a Christian group and we have coffee on Sunday nights and just chill. You should definitely come. It'll be a lot of fun." I told her that I was busy then because I am working this Sunday. Then Kelsey introduced herself to me and asked if I needed someone to pray for me for anything. I said, "No thanks. Nothing I can think of right now." She said, "I'll pray for you to do well on your final exams." I said, "Great! Thanks!" Then Luke started telling me about a nerd party they were having on Friday night, which I responded to by saying that I was busy (but I did not say that I was going to be attending my weekly Jew fest at Hillel...)

As I walked away, I took a quick look at the flyer that was stapled to said package of the pretzels that the pontificating (and preaching) people of Christ gave me, and it said "Turning Point" in cool artistic letters. I then started laughing out loud. This could have been a scene from a movie. It was just so funny. I guess it's kind of the same concept as the Chabad people trying to put phylacteries on every Jewish male they see, but you don't get free candy. Unfortunately.

Good luck with finals my bloggowers (and friends). (And people who might not be friends but who might read this blog.) (Fuck it, good luck with finals to everyone.)

Your moment of zazen.