Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am a Subject

Right now, as I am typing this, I am currently waiting in room 251, better known as the "Subject Waiting Room" in the Psychology building. I am taking Psych 202 (for all those non-UW people, that is Intro to Psychology) and the only way I can receive extra credit points is by having the people do studies on me. I'm prepared for anything, prodding, poking, questions, questionnaires, millionaires, sleep, whatever. I can do it all. They have me from 10-11 this lovely morning (and a lovely morning it is, no jacket today) and at 11, I'm gonna peace and hopefully write another blog post and let you know what happened. Another girl just walked in the room. Five girls and me. Not a bad ratio... Just out of curiosity, why aren't there more guys here? Does extra credit only impel women to take advantage of it? Now six girls. I hope this isn't a female study. Just sayin. Aright, just called cya all later.