Monday, March 1, 2010

A is for alcohol, B is for beer, C is for cognac...

People asked how I learned my ABC's. Well... That's how.

Being that I'm running out of monolated (meaning mono related...remember?) ideas for the blog, I am asking my fellow blogowers (blog followers) and blogeaders (blog readers) if they have any ideas. This idea was submitted by Braun.

Alcohol. There have been references to this "organic compound in which a hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is bound to a carbon atom, usually connected to other carbon or hydrogen atoms" since the time of the bible. In Joel (the prophet, not the blogger) 1:5 it says, "Drunkards awake to see God's judgement." In Joel (again, the prophet) 3:3 it says, "The enemy is judged for selling girls for wine." And finally, in Luke 12:45 (not the time), it says, "Christ warned against drunkenness." Aha Either Jesus wanted to warn us about the belligerent inebriated folk, or he wanted to warn us that boozing while monoing is bad idea. I'm thinking the latter.

Pointing out the obvious, alcohol makes a person drunk. Wow. Profound statement. Let's get a half barrel and do the Safety Dance. All the men will wear hats. It will be great. In any event, I was told by my health teacher (better known as Coach) sophomore year that alcohol is bad. Well, not quite, but for the sake of the blog post, I think I can misquote Coach. He said, "You should never drink because after your first shot, you will die." Again, a misquote. But actually, the presence of alcohol in one's body increases liver function. When a person has mono, the liver becomes inflamed. Just as drinking and driving, oil and water, toothpaste and OJ, and Lady Gaga and the normal people of the world do not mix, alcohol and mono should not be mixed. You could literally be poisoning yourself. And I am incredibly sorry if you are a Lady Gaga fan--that is also an issue of poisoning yourself. You should go seek help. She sucks.

On an actual serious note, I would like to mention something of significance currently happening at University of Wisconsin. The Badger Herald is currently running an advertisement online that linked to a Holocaust denier's website. Tomorrow (Wednesday, March 3) at 12:15-1:00, Hillel is hosting a rally on Library Mall to remember the millions of victims who fell to the Nazis. If you don't have class, it is really important that you attend this event. Check out the Facebook group:

Major shoutout to Elli and all of the mules. Another shoutout to WD. Happy 16th bday (she's actually 18.)

Your moment of zazen.

Did you know that a shot of an alcoholic beverage (80 proof/40 percent) has 100 calories? Did you know that you burn more calories eating celery than there is in celery? After you drink, eat celery. It's an actual workout, and will help you burn off those alcohol calories while enjoying a crunchy snack.