Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Working Out

I used to. I currently don't. I should probably start again. I'm getting pleasantly plump. At least it's pleasant...right? Maybe I'll start by just eating celery. Anyway, when mono is present within one's body (and soul, as the body houses the soul), one should not work out. You might ask, why? Well my friend, that is a good question. As I've said before (numerous times for that matter), the spleen becomes enlarged a person is diagnosed with mononucleosis. If something (i.e. a racquetball, a medicine ball, a matzoh ball, etc) were to come in contact with the spleen, it could rupture. That would be bad. Very bad. Doctors advise monopeople (people with mono, not one peoples) to refrain from working out because any accidental physical contact with the spleen can be disastrous and dangerous. Be careful.

Again, on a serious note, the Holocaust Awareness Rally is today at 12:15-1:00 on Library Mall. Be there! It's going to be a beautiful day and we need your support and solidarity. Rumors are that Chancellor Biddy Martin is going to be there.

And here it is, your moment of zazen.

The Christian holiday of Easter is fast approaching and in anticipation of the holiday where little children run around their yards and hunt for little candy filled eggs, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups company has put out a new commercial advertising their chocolaty peanut butter creation: a chocolate, peanut butter filled easter egg. The commercial can be found here:

For those of you who are too lazy to actually watch the video, the advertisement depicts a chocolate bunny and a jar of peanut butter producing a presumably (I think that's a safe assumption) peanut butter on the inside, chocolate on the outside, egg. Let me repeat myself in normal words. A chocolate bunny and a jar of peanut butter have illicit, implied, impossible sex yielding an egg. For starters, bunnies don't lay eggs. Neither do peanut butters. And if anything, the combination of the two would yield a chocolate, bunny shaped peanut butter jar. May I be the first to say wtf? I think the Reese's employees need to quit doing acid.