Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Arrested Development

Firstly, I would like to apologize seeing that i haven't posted in a while. This post will talk about arrested development.

It should be noted that this notion of "arrested development" is somewhat paradoxical, as there can be no progress when being held back. This happens to be a central theme of one of my favorite TV shows appropriately and properly named, Arrested Development.

In somewhat related news, I took an micro economics exam this morning mainly dealing with MRS (marginal and markets in perfect competition.) I think the exam went pretty well; however, there was one question that caught my eye and stuck with me throughout the duration of the exam. The question: A man named Gob has a magic show. He has X (I forgot the amount) dollars to spend. He can hire an assistant for $8 or buy a new deck of cards for $2. His MU (marginal utility--i.e. his enjoyment/need) for hiring a new assistant is 4 "utils" and his MU for buying a new deck of cards is 2 "utils." How many assistants should he hire and/or decks of cards should he buy?

I would like preface the rest of the post by saying Gob, or GOB, is the main character's (Michael) older brother in the TV show, Arrested Development. Being a huge fan of said program, I noticed a few problems with this microeconomics exam question:

1) GOB (which is an acronym standing for George Oscar Bluth, a nickname and not an actual name itself as the question implies) has used many family members/significant others as assistants: his little brothers Michael and Buster, his nephew George Michael, as well as his Mexican girlfriend, Marta (with whom Michael is in love). So he wouldn't hire an assistant.

2) GOB is a magician but does not have a magic show considering he was blackballed from the Magician's Alliance--an organization which GOB started in order to prevent magicians from telling how they do illusions, not tricks. "A trick is something a whore does for money...or cocaine." GOB was blackballed from the Alliance after he tried to hide his father, George, in "The Aztec II" when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was chasing a rented boat that George was having his retirement party on (Yes, the SEC has boats), and the news showed how GOB hid his father. Once blackballed from the Alliance, GOB is not able to perform, so he doesn't have a magic show (besides for the show he put on for the Alliance members so he could get back into his organization. It didn't work out.)

3) This is not necessarily a problem, but GOB would have a very high MU for doves, lighter fluid, and pennies. If you don't understand the reference, please watch the show immediately. I have all three seasons on DVD and am willing to loan them out.

Arrested Development is one of the best shows every written. Every time I watch an episode, I always discover some new hidden joke or reference. In the words of Shrek, "[Arrested Development]...is like an onion--it has layers."

By the way, the answer is that he should spend all of his money on cards because "Gob" gets the same amount of utility for half the price.

Your moment of zazen.