Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Innovation in Daily Life-ation

Man and society evolve and progress together. Technology helps this loving relationship. Obvious? Yes. Stupid? No. Why would I point this out? Wait and find out.

Speech is another medium that which has also evolved and progressed. Example:

1) Slang

That's the only example I am going to give. Slang evolves with the generation. When my parents were little, Styx was "hip". What the fuck is that? Now, Styx sucks. I'm not a fan. Sorry mom (I think you occasionally read my blog..) Slang is also highly cultural--slang in America is very different than slang in Israel. זה נכון אח שלי. (Literally meaning, that's correct my brother.) Nowadays, slang seems to have taken a ghetto/retro* spin. (*Note: Retro meaning late 80s/early 90s.) Stay fresh.

My main point: I would like to point out a rhetorical device used frequently by myself and millions of Americans every day (not necessarily slang) known as (drum role please) sarcasm. Sarcasm in speech is mainly observed and understood by the use of tone. Some people have trouble using tone to indicate the use of sarcasm which in turn seems like they are being serious. Example: "Ugh. I got like an hour of sleep last night." Those people are bitches.

The picture below shows the sarcigins (sarcasm origins).

Thank you Wikipedia. You just saved the day again.

Now the statement above (i.e. "Thank you Wikipedia. You just saved the day again.") was sarcasm. But how would anyone know that? Well, it is my pleasure to introduce the SarcMark.

The SarcMark (short for Sarcasm Mark) is a new American punctuation mark (there is such a thing in certain Ethiopian languages) from Sarcasm Inc. used at the end sentences to denote a sarcastic tone within said sentence. For $1.99, you can physically show sarcasm in your writing (but only on PC's and Blackberries--the Apple software hasn't been perfected yet). I can't believe I got an Apple and not a PC (insert SarcMark here)

Shoutout to my wasp-wannabe brother, David. He's getting the plane, I'm getting the yacht.

Your moment of zazen.