Monday, April 5, 2010

Springy Breakelstein

Yes, the title of this blog post was my status. Yes, it is a pull at Harley Bartelstein. Springy breakelstein has indeed come to a close and I returned back to Madison. Since returning I have had the mildly awkward conversation of "How was your spring(y) break(elstein)?" many a time. Spring break this year was alright. Here's what happened:

Thursday: Ended class. Stayed in Madison one last night to chill with friends before returning to normalcy.

Friday: Woke up to a call from Glock. Packed up my room. Got some Ian's Pizza (delicious chametz) with Aaron and Nathan. Home. Haircut. Shabbat dinner.

Saturday: Chilled. Donna came over. Awesome. Went to Potowatami Bingo Casino and played bingo with Aaron and Becca. Fun shit. Becca got so pissed she was about to pop a bitch in the face. Good thing I was there to stop her...

Sunday: Lunch with Alyssa. Panera. I got a soup and salad. Wish they opened a Panera close by campus.

Monday: Stayed in bed. Had the first seder at the house. Had a lot of wine in hopes it would speed up the seder. Almost passed out at the table after dinner. I thought of Voj.

Tuesday: Seder two. Just the family. Didn't have any wine due to extreme alcohol intake on the previous night. Seder went too slow. I learned I am bad at striking a balance.

Wednesday: Slept all day. Attempted to do some Psych reading. Didn't turn out too well.

Thursday: Ran a bunch of errands. Flew to Pittsburgh to see the grandma and the great grandfather.

Friday: Pittsburgh. Had a revelation. I'm buying a yacht. Either the Phocea, or the Aerie It was also my great grandmother's 103rd birthday. When asked how she felt to be 103 she responded, "I'm ancient! It's sickening...!"

Saturday: More Pittsburgh. Sat around the table all day eating and chilling with family.

Sunday: Home. Packing. Back to Madison.

Your moment of zazen.

"You must remember, salt and pepper stick together."