You might be wondering, "Why is he mentioning this? What does this have to do with mono?" Well, be patient my friends. You will soon find out.
I did a google search for "monon" (anticipating to type in "mononucleosis") when something caught my eye...

As you can see, seven suggestions down it says "Monona Terrace." Monona Terrace is a convention center along Lake Monona in Madison located .8 miles (a 16 minute walk) from my place of residence (Source Google Maps).

My point:
Is it a coincidence that mononucleosis and Monona Terrace are located 7 suggestions away from each other in Google's autocomplete? I think not. Mono was out to get me from the very start. Since Monona Terrace is located in Madison (within a 20 minute walk of place of residence), a simple Google search of "monon" would have predicted that I have mono (this is of course due to the fact that I currently live in Madison and "Monona" and "Mononucleosis" are relatively close in the google suggestion listing.) You might ask, "Joel, what are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense." You, my friend, are wrong. Consider what would have happened if I searched for "monon" a few months ago: I would have said, "Oh shit. Mononucleosis and Monona Terrace are seven suggestions away from each other. I'm probably going to get mono soon. I better be careful." This is not an example of hindsight bias, rather, a simple exercise in logic. Google's autocomplete can predict the future. There. I said it.
Two quick shoutouts (in no particular order of importance):
Shoutout to Donna. Shabbat Shalom to you too. Also, shoutout to Voj. One word for you, "Woof."
Someone somewhere once said, "Speak softly and carry a big stick." What if you are a little person with a loud voice?