And now, a random blood sucking truck.

Unlike last post, this post is monolated (mono related). Being in college and what not, blood drives are everywhere. They are more abundant than the sands of the beach, the stars of the sky, and the Nation of Abraham. I was walking through the (in)famous Chadbourne Residential College earlier today on my way home from dropping off a paper at Van Hise, when I was abruptly stopped by sickly looking Residential Assistants (better known in the CRC community as House Fellows.) They asked me if I wanted to donate blood. I said, "Uhhh sure" or something to that effect. After talking to the malnourished House Fellows, I soon found out that I am not allowed to sit in the weird chairs while a leech of a needle is attached to my left arm and emptied into a bag and then get free cookies because I recently had mono. May I be the first person to say wtf? I think I am going to sue based on viral discrimination. Bastards.
And now, your moment of zazen...
Chips Ahoy!
Or as defined by a dictionary:
Chips means French Fries, ahoy is a word used to hail a ship, a boat, a person, or to get attention
Chips Ahoy, the brand of cookies we all know and love, should actually be French fries getting your attention. I was very confused when I saw a bag at the store earlier. It was incredibly misleading.