Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Layout & Your Moment of Zazen

For those of you that have been to the The Daily Monoblogue before and have eyes, you will notice there is a new layout. Let me know what you think. And if this is your first time visiting The Daily Monoblogue, welcome. And let me know what you think of the layout as well.

I debated for a while on layouts instead of writing an important paper that's due tomorrow. Then I got annoyed and stressed so I just picked this one. And decided to write this post.

Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, ends each of his shows with a segment called, "Your Moment of Zen" where he shows a video clip of something always comical and somewhat pertinent to that day's show or current events. I have decided to steal his idea end each post with "Your Moment of Zazen." As a side note, "zazen" is a form of sitting meditation practiced in Zen Buddhism. Sounds relaxing.

And now, your moment of zazen.

"Armed with information, experts can exert a gigantic, if unspoken leverage: fear" (Levitt & Dubner 64). Knowing that we should be afraid, running through the streets screaming at a high pitch with your arms flailing in the air may seem imperative, however, consider not looking like a pussy and listen to me-- for there is still hope. Former Vice President, former Presidential Candidate, and global warming media hog, Al Gore once said, "A zebra does not change its spots." Although he says he is a messenger and is just relaying facts regarding global warming, I do believe it is safe to say that he is somewhat of an expert. My friends, we are saved, for the fear has vanished. Al Gore, it's a real inconvenient truth that you suck at verbalizing the correct wording of certain sayings. Shame on you.