Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Beginnings of My Mono

So I'm not sure who I got mono from, when I got it, where I got it- I have no idea. Beer pong is the best theory out there thus far (props to Hannah for that theory.) I started feeling sick about two and a half weeks ago or so (runny nose, headaches, just overall not feeling well), and I now know that the symptoms of mono set in 30-50 days on average after first being in contact with the virus. It got worse. I went to UHS (which apparently is covered under our tuition- hell yeah. can anyone say free(ish) healthcare?) and I was pretty sure I had strep throat. The nurse basically said it could be that or mono. I was practically begging for it to be strep because, in my mind, that was the lesser of two evils. Strep can be healed with nice doses of amoxicillin, whereas mono is viral, so the person (me) has to wait until his/her (my) body fights it off- which can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 8 weeks.
Until then, I am not allowed to play sports and consume alcohol, and I just have to take it easy and eat healthy to help my body get rid of this social plague on its own. I actually was enrolled in a beginners racquetball course this semester which I had to drop. The nurse at UHS said that "I could drink alcohol in moderation if (and only if) I was feeling alright." I guess that's a reasonable statement to say to a college student. At least she was being realistic... I applaud her.
I've been home for more than 48 hours and feeling a lot better than before I got here. Homemade food, seeing the dog, sleeping in my bed...yeah that all seemed to do the trick. Hopefully the fevers, headaches, runny nose, hot/cold flashes, cough, sore throat, and sickness will stay at home, and not follow me back to Madison tomorrow.
Until then, goodnight.