During my online research, I found that mono is contagious from anywhere to a week to eighteen months after symptoms have passed. That is quite the gap. After talking to a real doctor and not listening to what Yahoo Answers or WebMD, I found out it was more like 30 days or so after symptoms first start. Although one may no longer be contagious, that person can feel drowsy for quite some time. Draw mustaches/glasses on them using a sharpie while they sleep. The child shown in the picture below probably sharpied himself, If he didn't, he has terrible parents.

For those that still freak the shit out when I walk into a room thinking they will get mono, relax my children, there is no fear. You shall and will be fine. I first started feeling symptoms a long while ago (technically more than 30 days ago.) In order for mono to pass to you (if I am still contagious, which I am almost positive I'm not), we would have to make out, share cups, of lick something I licked. Regarding the latter, anything is game. Warning: Don't lick anything. As a side note, do not exile me from your lives and places of residence, like one of my idiot friends has done already. You will not get mono if we are in the same room. Trust me. I've done the research. You may call me Doctor.
And now, your moment of zazen.
*Note: This is barely an actual portrayal of reality.
Shoutout to Braun. You rock. Another shoutout to asian looking Rachel. Can I have a fortune cookie?