In honor of Emily's birthday, I would like to dedicate this post to her in its entirety. You see, Emily and I go way back. Not really, but it feels like we do. We both transferred into CJHS sophomore year, and within the first couple months of school, Emily contracted a severe case of mono. She was out of school for a couple months, she was in and out of the hospital, and finally ended up getting her huge tonsils removed. This tonsil extraction yielded some awesome facebook pictures.

With comments such as, "SEXY!!!!" and "are those tonsils or seashells, cause if they're sea shells then they are really pretty, but if they're tonsils thats fucking gross," Emily's tonsils were the talk of the town. Unfortunately, mono is a virus which cannot be cured (as previously stated), and can come with other side effects. Emily's mono came with a side of tonsillitis. Sounds like a dish ordered at a restaurant. Fortunately, my case of mono came with a side of..... Well, I'm really not sure. But something. I guess USE. Would you like fries with that?
Still no word on how I contacted mono- my best guess is still beer pong. Beer pong--for those of you who do not know (i.e. the elderly folk)--is a drinking game where 10 cups of equal size (usually red cups) are set up in bowling pin formation opposite ends of a table. These cups are filled with 1/4 of the way with beer (usually 2-3 beers per 10 cups). Teams of two throw ping pong balls in the cups on the other side of the table. If a ball lands your opposing team's cup, they have to drink that cup of beer. Whoever clears the opposing team's cups first, wins. That is pretty much the gist of it.
Many a round is played. Many a cup is shared. Many a mono is passed. That pretty much sumeth it up.
I recognize that many friends have asked for shoutouts. Your time will come my friends...
J-Mono. Out.